About me.

My mom is an artist and taught me crafts like sculpting and drawing when I was very young. In elementary school I would collect Babybel cheese wax from all my classmates so that I can add to the wax sculptures that filled up my entire desk. I would sculpt computers, desks, books, people, skateboards, pets, everything and anything my mind came up with.

I've also always been fascinated by all things mechanical. I would love to take apart my grandfather's old film cameras and fix them up, and help my dad fix his boat and old cars. After I purchased my own 3D printer in 9th grade, my CAD skills finally found a good use and I spent most of my time making things.

I've also always loved programming and electronics. In middle school, every day at recess my friends and I would program our own games in the computer lab, and when I got home, I would mess with Arduino's and electronics to make my own gadgets and robots. For my 15th birthday I wanted nothing else than a lab bench power supply which has served me very well over the years.

Aside from that I have a long list of hobbies, including building/flying FPV quadcopters, rock climbing, photography, sailing, guitar, tennis, chess, skiing / snowboarding, amateur radio, web design, one wheeling / skateboarding, and many more.

Some interests / hobbies

Building / Flying FPV Quadcopters

Nearly everyone wants to be able to fly, I can't help but be jealous of birds as they glide through buildings and over mountains and oceans. The freedom to explore the third dimension is an incredible feeling, and right now flying first-person view drones is in my opinion the closest we can get to that feeling (without risking your life or breaking laws).

Rock Climbing

I love puzzles, and rock climbing is one of the best workouts that also acts a puzzle. It's also surprisingly collaborative. When you're struggling on a rock-climbing problem, other people tend to chip in and try to figure out the solution with you.


While the final photos are definitely rewarding, it's really just the exploring and experience of taking photos that I love. The technical aspects of it are also super interesting to me, I take photos on film and on manual mode with my DSLR which gives me full control of my camera (and lots of things to configure).


I've been sailing since I was 7 years old, I also worked as a sailing instructor for 3 years. I love all aspects of sailing, the peaceful, relaxing times on the water, and the fast-paced chaotic nature of racing.


I'm self-taught at guitar and have been playing since I was in middle school. I find it very relaxing while also serving as a great way to express my creativity.

Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough."
Richard P. Feynman