Vibration Isolation Educational Tool

A device to isolate a sensor from oscillations using adjustable mass, dampers, springs, and linear bearings, designed to help teach a class on vibrations.

Employer / Client:

Final Project - The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

Worked on:

May 2023


The significance of vibration isolation lies in its ability to improve the performance, reliability, and safety of structural and mechanical systems. By reducing the impact of vibrations on these systems, the risk of damage, malfunction, and failure can be significantly reduced, leading to increased longevity and reduced maintenance cost. Additionally, in robotics, vibration isolation can improve sensor data and therefore increase reliability.

This 1DOF base excitation example is able to demonstrate resonance, attenuation, and vibration isolation, concepts that are extendable to more developed systems. By providing a known sinusoidal input, system parameters such as mass, spring constant, and damping constant can be altered to change the vibrational characteristics. This can then be compared to mathematical modelling and therefore serves as a useful tool in a vibrations class for understanding and applying the fundamentals.

  • LiDAR sensor for tracking the vibration.
  • Plots displacement in real time.
  • Plots in the fqz domain in real time.
  • Demonstrates vibration isolation.
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